Truckers, Terry Fox and the Extremists
So the Terry Fox statue was decorated with a sign, a hat and a Canadian flag in the nation’s capital. All has been removed and now cleaned up. The mainstream media would have you believe this is some great travesty and will find all sorts of people to tell you how offended you should be. Meanwhile, these are the same people sensationalizing and promoting the tearing down of Sir John A. MacDonald statues, removing him from the ten dollar bill, and effectively tearing up the constitution of our country on a daily basis while collecting vast sums of the people’s money to do so. They have denigrated our military to the point that it is non-existent. Media in Canada and around the world increasingly uses red, white and black in their branding. I read their material now and I am sickened. Joseph Howe would be appalled.
The media often uses symbols of hate to justify their case while advocating for the powers of the state to crush people. This needs to stop and stop now. The sources of extremism that drive certain people are alive and well in our media and all political parties - the Liberal Party, the NDP and the Conservative Party. If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is two ideologies that are really one in the same. They were the toxic ideologies that murdered mass numbers of people in the 20th century. Members of my family perished during the great wars of that period and my grandfather was a medic who was up to his ankles in blood. These ideologies are alive and well in the debates over war, abortion, euthanasia, depopulation and whatever other means are used to extinguish human life. I take very seriously my attachment to Canada, the United States and the Allied countries and to the people of Canada. I also take very seriously any sliding back into either one of those ideologies within my own country. During my university years, I didn’t so much graduate as I escaped from an institution that was a cauldron of toxic left wing politics. In the late 80s and early 90s, this toxic atmosphere led to students being ostracized for not using politically correct language. Now our Prime Minister tries to tell citizens to use the word peoplekind.
Our Prime Minister has stated boldly that he admires dictatorship. He has completely ignored the laws of this country and the Constitution to override the basic human rights of people whether they are a minority or not. Our Deputy Prime Minister hid her grandfather’s toxic past. She also appears to have an affinity for the colours red, white and black. They both have some strange relationship with George Soros and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. We now have a near country wide revolt against a government that has usurped the ability of individuals to make their own medical decisions even if it means their own death. Doctors are now refusing to provide medical treatment to the unvaccinated. Two thirds of the country now demonizes the other third. These are not the actions of a free and democratic country. They are the actions of a tyrannical government. Canada would not be the first country to be hijacked by extremism under the guise of democracy. It is for this reason the Liberal Party needs to look deeply into its soul and exorcise its own extremists before this situation gets worse. Put them on the back benches or push them out entirely. Enough is enough. The Conservative Party is no better and has finally changed its weak-kneed leadership. It now needs to demonstrate in words and actions its attachment to Canada.
I have voted for the Liberal Party in the past and worked for many years in conservative politics and served in the government until I refused to attest to my vaccination status or be tracked down like an animal based on government policy.
As a child, I fondly remember Terry Fox making his trek across Canada. I once wrote a briefing note for the Leader of the Opposition advocating for the renaming of the TransCanada Highway to honour Terry Fox and supported using taxpayer funds for the Terry Fox Foundation because I believed he was an important symbol of Canada and cancer research was an important endeavour.
There is another symbol that is developing in this country and around the world. It is the symbol of a trucker standing for his right to work, standing for his family, and transporting an entire country through the worst pandemic to hit the world since the Spanish Flu.
Thank you truckers.
For those who choose to vaccinate, it is not your place to tell, or at this stage force anyone, or their family, to vaccinate based on your need to feel safe. Do your own due diligence and make your own decision whether it is on the advice of governments, doctors, businesses, or anyone else.
And for any extremist who tries to take over our country, trucker or elected official, watch out.